Thursday, May 24, 2012

Silver Tracker

Just got in the mood, and picked up a couple cans of silver (metalic) spray paint and gave the Tracker a good first coat.  it actually took three cans because of the way the metalic paint sprays...  no nice fan pattern, its just shoots all directions and the little pieces of metal flake were floating all over the place...

Lighter, shinny color made the larger rust holes, spots stand out a lot more, but I just figure, I'll replace the fender with the rusted hole.  but the holes along the kick board on the sides, looked terrible in silver, so I gave them a shot of black primer and they all but disappeared...  later on, I'll give it a light wet sanding maybe fill and sand the rust holes and give the whole car either another coat and/or clear coat.

I took I ride with Larry to drop off a junk car at Pull-A-Part and someone had just brought a tracker in (with a soft top in great condition) the fender I need was better than the one I had, but not sure I want to exchange a rusty one for a NOT as rusty one...  but I stopped in Monday morning to see if they had processed it and put it out in the yard yet, and they hadn't, yet...

I dropped my son off for a job interview and made another stop at Pull-A-Part and they had just moved it out into the yard, so before anyone else could take the top or damage it, I unsnapped, unzipped and unvelcroed it off - ($29.00 + tax and their "enviromental"charge, for a total of $34 and change) better than I thought, I was expecting $50 - $75, so happy I caught it when I did....  going back in the next couple days for the CD player and a couple little bits and pieces that I can use....  and if someone gets them before I do... OH well...   I'll make do with what I have.

It already looks much better silver than purple and pick (at least in my opinion) and with the newer top, it looks like a different vehicle already.... eventually, I'll clean and paint the rims and put some kind of trim/pinstripe or something? on the car to finish it off to MY taste.  I also saw a jeep Rubicon with a soft top and it had the plastic windows tinted, so I think I'll look into that, whether it was made that way or just a film on the windows like I've done on glass ones before.

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